Weather Closing Procedures

Weather Closings and Delays

SCHOOLS CLOSED/CODE 0 - No Students, Faculty/Staff DO NOT Report. All extracurricular activities are canceled. 

SCHOOLS CLOSED/CODE 1 - No Students, Ten and Eleven Month Employees DO NOT Report. All extracurricular activities are canceled.
Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Directors, Principals, 12-month employees, Maintenance/Custodial Staff report at 10:00 a.m.

2 Hour Delay:  Students:

Middle/Secondary (7-12) students:

Doors open @ 9:30 am, Tardy bell  @ 9:50 am 

Elementary (PreK-6) students:

Doors open @ 10:15 am Tardy bell @ 10:35 am

2 Hour Delay: RCPS Employees

-Maintenance and custodial employees will report on time.

-Support staff report as directed by supervisors. 

-12 month Employees report @ 9:00 am unless otherwise directed

-All other faculty and staff report two hours later than normal unless otherwise directed

*School late arrival and early release information will be distributed through an RCPS alert announcement and found on local news outlets.