
Families, please do the following in order to help your child get to and from school as safely as possible on a school bus:

  1. Locate the safest bus stop for the child by reviewing the bus routes published in the newspaper and posted on our website.

  2. Take the child to the bus stop in the morning at least five minutes before the scheduled pickup time and meet him/her in the afternoon. No lower elementary aged child will be dropped off without a responsible party present. Radford City school bus drivers will return to school any child who is not met or has been placed on the wrong bus.

  3. A note should be sent to school indicating any changes being made to your child's regular transportation.


    Simple rules to follow on the school bus and at the bus stop to stay safe

    Be on time at the bus stop.
    Stand back from the curb.
    Walk to and from the bus. There's no need to run
    Wait your turn to get on or off the bus. There's no need to push and shove.
    Stay in your seat unless the driver tells you otherwise.
    Keep the aisle in the bus clear.
    Talk quietly to the people sitting around you. There's no need to yell and shout.
    Obey the driver. His or her job is to look out for your safety.
    Take at least 10 giant steps before turning when you get off the bus. This is so the driver can see you.
    Wait for the driver's OK before crossing the street.
    Cross the street in front of the bus - at least 10 feet in front of the bus. This is so that the driver can see you.
    Never crawl underneath a school bus. If you drop something, tell the driver, and he or she will tell you what to do.

    Following these simple rules will help you stay safe on the bus.

    School Bus Safety Tips