Online Learning Opportunities
Virtual Virginia
Students from Virginia and across the nation are taking engaging, rigorous high school courses through Virtual Virginia. These classes are an exciting and challenging way for students to pursue academic courses that are unavailable at their local school. The classes feature a rich variety of media, including streaming video, online field trips, simulations, and interactive learning tools. All courses are taught by skilled, highly qualified teachers who are fully certified in the subject area and who are experienced in teaching in an online environment. Instructors are available via toll-free phone numbers, e-mail, discussion forums, and our virtual classroom tools. Local mentors can also assist students by proctoring tests, answering questions, and facilitating communication between the school and the virtual instructional staff. All online courses require regular interaction with the instructor and other students in the course. More information about the program, the courses, policies, and technical specifications are available at You can also find Virginia Virtual information on Facebook and Twitter.
An online program utilized in the Alternative Education program and also for summer school. Students can access the curriculums for a wide variety of core classes and a large number of electives. Apex is a web based program. Enrollment in Apex courses is not open, yet determined by the administration and guidance department on an as needed basis.
Virtual High School
The York County School Division Virtual High School (VHS) is a program that offers interactive online courses to secondary students. Courses are delivered using a course "learning management system" through the Internet and available to students 24 hours a day. Students are actively engaged in online discussions and learn to track messages, submit documents electronically, and meet online with teachers and students through a "virtual classroom". Students must have an active email account, access to word processing and presentation software, Internet, and specific plug-ins. A tuition fee is required for enrollment in a York County online course.
IXL is the Web's most comprehensive math practice site. Popular among educators and families, IXL provides unlimited questions in more than 2000 topics. For more information, please visit